Cloe had been wondering why we were keeping her and the other dogs out, did not want her breathing fumes from the paint...had to keep them in our room for a few days...But when she saw daddy putting up her whelping box she got excited! She jumped right in and was ready to help...It was like she got it, she understood what we had been up to and that it was for her...
She has started her moodiness with the other dogs, air biting at them, low growls, and just letting them know to leave her alone! She is the boss and is making sure they know! She is filling out and looks like she is getting the saddlebags on her sides as she is gaining weight...She has been getting her "momma bowls" aka cottage cheese or yogurt, meat, cooked egg, and cheese...She has been off a bit on her regular food...and eating grass when she goes outside...
Things seem to be going well and she is resting more and more...She did sleep in her whelping box for daytime naps...but still sleeping in our room for now...Countdown is on for me to get all my last minute things before I am home bound waiting on those precious babies...Start taking her temp in another week...